venerdì, gennaio 06, 2006

Don’t lick my tooooooes

Yesterday I was in a state of sheer exhaustion. Analysis was bizarre, since I hadn’t brought in any dreams but had a crapload of things on my mind and inundated that poor man with didn’t-sleep-last-night, everything-good-is-fate-and-everything-bad-is-my-fault verbal diarrhea. It was progressive, but we were both aware bringing in a dream gives the session far more focus.

By the way – can anybody think of a term for the everything-good-is-fate-and-everything-bad-is-my-fault condition? Besides ‘stupid’, ‘low self-esteem’, or ‘Catholic’? Something a little more specific, perhaps. That ‘low self-esteem’ term is starting to bug me. Some blanket term covering all sorts of mental states – sort of like how if anybody got a wasting disease in the Victorian or Georgian Commonwealth they’d just call it consumption and wring their hands.

Anyways, afterwards I wanted nothing more than to be asleep, but it was Miss B’s birthday and I’m a fan – she’s sharp, cares about food, and has the facial bone structure to carry off glittery eyeliner any time she damn well pleases. So I went to the Gladstone and caught the first half of the Wet Spots Big Ass Show with special guests Big Rude Jake and – oh hell – don’t ask me. I would have been asleep in my chair, except it was so fucking funny I nearly fell off laughing instead. I’ve never been witness to so much low-brow dirty humour combined with such good musicianship – the backing band was amazing. Oh – the bass player was the hot one whose hotness I wrote about when he played with Colonel Tom’s Swinging Door, back on the 10th of November. It may have been the same piano player too – not sure. Obviously on a personal level I enjoyed this a lot more than Colonel Tom’s Swinging Door because, you know, it wasn’t bluegrass and I don’t like bluegrass. Someone took some small issue with me voicing this opinion last night – he’d disagreed with me about the Sharon Jones show I wrote about on the 12 of November too – silly man – doesn’t he know I’m always right about everything? Anyways, the Wet Spots will be out of Toronto for a month or so, but when they get back I’m catching the show and think you should too. Miss B told me the second half features a burlesque. Hmmmm?

3 commenti:

Lady ha detto...

yooooooooouuuuuuu are amaaaazing!

you smell like fate and are bad for my condition. which is consumption. :wrings hands:

my belly is making funny noises so i think i will eat now.

Mistress La Spliffe ha detto...

You are amazing, Lady. You know how to spell 'their'. I don't.

Mistress La Spliffe ha detto...

Sticks and stones, rubber-and-glue, Johannes. If you clickety-clink on the linky-poo, you'll see attaching any number of adjectives to consumption let it describe a kajillion things once upon a time. Or you could crack open a Lucy Maud book, if you could bear the stench of totalitarian feminity it exuded.