domenica, gennaio 22, 2006

Fucking dark before the dawn

Panicking again. This time because I'm so close to finished I know something has to cock up. And people ask why I'm in analysis . . .

I don't know what I would have done without Lady, without Gigi (who just did some beeeeyoudiful last minute revisions for me), without Mlle C or Mme N - I don't know what I would have done without ALL y'all who held my hand through this garbage. It'll be over soon, bitches, and then I'll re-grow some sort of personality, and make it allllll up to yiz.

I had a point, though - yes, I remember. The house I'm sitting has History Television. It fucking rocks. I'd forgotten how nice it is as background during revision. Still not tempted at all to get cable, but I'm enjoying it. Except the Serta mattress/bed ads. Now I'm going to book out of the office and watch Das Boot on History Television as I do the final revision. That's probably a bad omen (make it through the writing just to get mown down by the aerial firepower of the defence! Nooooooooooooooo!) but now that it's occurred to me it's a bad omen it'll probably be a worse omen if I don't watch it.

Anaaaaaaaaaaalysis . . .


I did say something awhile ago about accentuating the positive, right? So I'd like to take this opportunity to point out Koreans are awesome and sometimes the ones with shops sell cans of iced coffee there. Therefore I have to thank them along with everybody else, in terms of getting this thesis done. Props to you, Koreans. Mad props. You've always been there when I needed you.

Also, the captain in Das Boot is just astonishing. Like, drop-my-drink astonishing. Blue eyes don't often work, but when they do . . . aw, fuck it, brown's still better.

2 commenti:

Anonimo ha detto...

Ha, but maybe now that you realized that it would be a worse omen if you don't watch it, maybe it will be an even worse omen if you do watch it. But having realized that...

Never mind, this is the time when people usually try to slap me.

Mistress La Spliffe ha detto...

Ha HA, but now that I'm watching it I'm realizing it's just too fucking good to be denied, like my thesis.

Or something.

Whatevs, as the kids say. You're lucky you're in Japan.