Anyways, I can't take the study seriously, because if someone left 30 chocolates in my office everyday (even rubbishy Hershey's Kisses) and replaced them every night I would just eat all thirty, or eat as much as I could and pocket the rest. Those test subjects were obviously idiots.
After, Gigi and I conducted an experiment of our own by having dinner and hanging out without getting snaked. It went well. We came to some very interesting conclusions about Viking heritage, Danish people's off-camera activities, and what happens in Greenland; and Gigi pointed out that one of the great tragedies of the recent cartoon blow-up is people pervasively quoting the 'there's something rotten in the state of Denmark' line from Hamlet. One hopes that will be the farthest-reaching aspect of this affair. I'm not so sure. Johannes wrote interestingly about it. The only two things I seem to be able to think are if a series of cartoons was enough to unleash this anger, and if officially apologizing for the offence it'd caused and not re-publishing it was enough to calm the anger but that wasn't done, maybe we're due for some serious international communication. That, and that Lebanese guys, when they're hot, are just smoking fucking hot.
Then we watched Ma vie en rose and I thanked my lucky stars I'm not a pre-pubescent child anymore. Day-um. Great movie, though. And when I woke up this morning the first Verve Remixed album was waiting for me; no sooner found than on. Nina Simone's See-line Woman gets a beautiful treatment.
I'M STILL SICK. HOLY SHIT. I feel fine but sound like hell; hope it's just over-tiredness. Anyways, at my opera lesson I sang maybe three scales before my teacher asked what the hell I was doing singing when my voice was so fucked, so we did theory for the rest of the hour. I studied music formally when I was much younger, but %100 against my gré; it was shocking how fun and interesting it was to focus on theory, because I used to find it just mind-numbing. Of course, this time it was in aid of the voice, and the voice is the voice. These days I'm walking around with a snotty conviction everything is just an accompaniment to the voice or an attempt to copy it, from the bleep-bleep-bloops of dancey things to the guitar. Except percussion. I don't know what's been changing in the past year, but music is starting to feel like a world in itself where things exist in their own ways, where communication is much more easy and beautiful and everything has something to say to something else. I never felt like that before. Ah, I don't know how to write what I mean.