So this is Yahoo's version of me. My chin has shrunk, I've lost about 40 pounds, and my calico cat has become a red dragon. Yay.
Speaking of . . . I'm still purple with rage today. Considering the walking fury I become when I'm riding the red dragon, I resent being infuriated at other times of the month - just another thing to resent in this case. I'd rather be called ugly, stupid, evil, a lousy lay, smelly, or most other pejoratives I can think of than be called a liar. I wonder why. Probably some past-life shit. Anyways, according to my co-worker's
Sun Signs book I need to chill, because I'm a Sagittarian and when we Sagittarians get extendedly upset over something it hits us physically. It's true, you know. The first time my heart broke I spent a week puking and having the funniest hallucinations. Is it material that the first time my heart broke was concurrent with the Florentine Plague Season, and that Florentines don't cover thier mouths when they cough? My biographers will be the judges.
Yesterday I was both purple with rage
and very upset, because I have that
stupid girly thing of crying the first time I get angry about something. The second time I might be all
'say hello to my leetle friend!', or some
'Are you telling me you had the temerity to accuse me of blah blah blah dripping icicles blah' shit, but the first time, it's waterworks and no fooling. Anyways, at the end of the day I remembered to book an appointment with a local Jungian analyst - I realized awhile ago that I need to have gone through around 100 hours of analysis before even applying to accredited schools - and as I was on the phone with him, waves of fury kept washing over me and I could hardly keep the tears out of my voice. He must be expecting one happy little package to arrive on his doorstep next Thursday.