lunedì, agosto 06, 2007

Ranting mood

So the Banksy review is done, and you can look at it here. It turned out to only have a little to do with Banksy. I was in a ranting mood after reading that boneheaded article from Jonathon Jones. Nothing pisses me off as consistently as the Guardian's arts section, although this digested read of House of Meetings is pretty fucking funny. Anyways, it's too bad because the Banksy book could have borne more attention, it's neato. I love getting these things for free but it's probably worth the $30 or whatever it costs.

I should have pointed out something about how my favourite part of the book is the section where he smuggles his work into galleries and sees how long it takes security to take them down. There's something really appealing in that. A sort of invitation to everybody to keep on their toes, maybe, as we're not so good at keeping on our toes.

Good, rather, at collapsing after work and turning on one idiot box or another, or in my case a clunky three year old laptop, and pretending that's the sort of rest we deserve after working a whole 7.5 hours. Come on. You know how many hours people work in real countries? As you can see I'm a little dissatisfied with myself these days. I probably need more aerobic exercise or welding classes or something.

4 commenti:

Dale ha detto...

Welding and then a torrent of water splashing down from above. I've still not seen that movie but manage to reference it. I must go read your reviews. I'm glad I don't live in a real country by the way, 7.5 is all that's in me.

Melbine ha detto...

What a brilliant review! I admire you - I just don't have the confidence to review anything to do with art. Does he really hang his work up in galleries to see how long it takes for security to notice? I think I would like this man...

For 2 seconds my brain registered your welding classes comment as a WEDDING classes comment. HA!

Dread Pirate Jessica ha detto...

Me too, and I'm cutting it down to a nice Utopian four as soon as I'm able.

He's great, Melissa, I reccommend you check the book out.

Baywatch ha detto...

Totally great review! Banksy is superawesome - one of my faves - but I have a softspot for culture jammers in general. And even if you can't afford the book, his website is supersweet.