mercoledì, giugno 17, 2009

There are a lot of things to love about this photograph

But one of them is certainly that Jayne Mansfield had an IQ topping out 160. Quantifiably measurable genius is what quantifiably measurable genius does and off the chart or not, based on this photograph alone I know I'd rather give Sophia Loren the keys, and I mean that with almost every permutation of significance and taste you can imagine. Still, I wish it was in colour.

Speaking of Sophia Loren, more Chaser:

4 commenti:

Baywatch ha detto...

superb. speaking of luscious pics, this one reminds me of this one, for whatever reason...

Dread Pirate Jessica ha detto...

It's because they're both awesome. But mine has Jayne Mansfield's nipple.

Baywatch ha detto...

is that really nipple? looks more like areola from here.

(word verification: sheducto)

Dread Pirate Jessica ha detto...

At any rate it is very, very pretty.