mercoledì, agosto 26, 2009

I am become She-Bogan, Destroyer of Taste

Yesterday was my first solo drive ever. And it was to the beer store to pick up a plank of 50, in my brother's pickup, wearing a home-made Wonder Woman singlet, Uggs, 30 visible blackfly bites, unwashed hair, and a miniskirt. I considered it a beautiful synthesis of hoser and bogan; indeed, possibly the creation of a new subspecies of easy livers: the Great Northern Ontario She-Bogan.

I'll let you know how my classy new lifestyle goes.

7 commenti:

guilty noodles ha detto...

i need photos.

Rocky ha detto...

er, wtf is a plank of fifty?

Rocky ha detto...

David Sedaris in the New Yorker:

"Then, too, spend that much time on a plane and you’re entitled to a whole new world when you step off at the other end—the planet Mercury, say, or, at the very least, Mexico City. For an American, though, Australia seems pretty familiar: same wide streets, same office towers. It’s Canada in a thong, or that’s the initial impression."

Lady ha detto...

atta girl. welcome home!! enjoy the 50.

Dread Pirate Jessica ha detto...

Just keep checking Failblog, Noodles.

Rocky, a plank of 50 is a plank-shaped unit of 24 cans of a sort of beer called 50.

I did, Lady, whilst re-insulating and siding a friend's house. In a miniskirt. Yay!

Rocky ha detto...

ok then. can you ship one to me now?

Dread Pirate Jessica ha detto...

I'm just managing solo drives to the beer store, Illinois is out of the question.