mercoledì, novembre 07, 2012

Perverts, pitocin and paranoia

Post mortems and some sort of national soul-searching about how white men don't matter in electoral terms anymore aside, now that all that nonsense is finished in the States I can come out and say I bet Mitt Romney would be one sick, fun lay. He just has that smooth look about him that screams expert closet pervert who'd figuratively break you in half. If I had to choose which of those men were to be president or even a dinner party guest he wouldn't rate, but he'd be the one I took home. Obama seems like a nice person but he'd be the sort to do it with the lights out, I bet. Probably candles and potpourri and music and crap like that.

I'm seeing the OB tomorrow and my midwife thinks I'll be advised to get induced on my due date because of my blood pressure. I'll probably make a stink about that and insist on waiting for another week, as much as I want to get all this over with. There's no getting around the fact induction makes labour more risky and more painful. The risk is the big thing for me (I can say that now, while I'm not in pain) - risk for the baby, and risk of a c-section. Already having essential hypertension that creeps in whilst pregnant, I really don't want a c-sectioned uterus on top of that. For the next pregnancy, which I'm already thinking about despite not wanting to do all this again at the moment, that'd lift me right out of the low-risk category that lets me do all this with midwives instead of spending hours and hours and hours waiting to see one of the few and very overworked OBs in this fucking podunk town on the one morning a week they take appointments, which is the morning I have the most work to do.

The good news there is that if that IS what happens - if I do end up c-sectioned - it's settled that we're leaving Australia earlier than planned so we can make the next baby somewhere with a functioning medical system. Where being overseen by an OB doesn't involve only being able to get appointments on Fridays despite my work schedual (it drives my crazy; it's like there's an assumption here that women don't work and don't need to schedual things around work, and the biggest problem is that's true for women around here, in large part - offends my feminist sensibilities) and having no continuity of care. Back to big-city Europe and the combined mandatory insurance/national health care schemes for us.

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