En couple, no less. Adds a new dimension to co-habitation. I have nothing to say this morning, except I want some hash browns and have no energy to make or buy them. If anybody helpful is reading, please ship some over . . . thank you . . . in advance recompense, please enjoy this fucking, fucking criminally funny
Channel 102 offering. Ladies and gentlemen, I give you
Doctor Miracles.
4 commenti:
Uh-oh, where were YOU last night?
A friend's house, for dinner. Wine, vodka, nameless shots, scotch for the boys. What the hell we thought we were doing on a Tuesday night is beyond me.
You wouldn't want to be hangover on a weekend, especially if te weather is going to be nice. So the nights before weekdays are for drinking, and hangovers for work.
Or not working ;-)
Here I am emoticoning like a bloody Frenchman.
Yep, I'm drunk on a weeknight again.
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