giovedì, novembre 30, 2006

The Red Dragon Gets Sentimental

Who says heartbreak is for babies?

This change of my tune hasn’t come about from a new round of my own heartbreak, as I cynically suggested it would in yesterday’s comments; all remains quiet on the Eastern front. It’s from that same track I was going on about yesterday, “Little Darlin.’” Yesterday I ate big slabs of the Midnight Madness cake for lunch, topped by a few chocolate chip cookies, and finally felt the full import of the song with the sweet rush of the lyrics “mon coeur, j’ai echoué” into the Carter Family tune, and damn near cried.

Eating retarded amounts of chocolately sugar and getting weepy over French pop at work. Yes. Sometimes I prefer the Red Dragon to come out sort of angry, but not when I have cake.

See, it reminded me of all the heartbreak that’s been before. I think I get tetchy about heartbreak as a general idea because mine hasn’t followed standard patterns too well; it’s too Catholic, too guilty, too confused. There’s always been the idea of failure in it – either mine or theirs - and failure, as we all know, is for losers, and losers are a bad thing to be or to have emotional intercourse with. Benjamin Biolay makes it beautiful, though.

Okay, I’ll try to move on from Benjamin Biolay tomorrow – going to see Casino Royale tonight and I have a feeling I’ll be distracted from Biolay’s melodic loveliness by Daniel Craig’s sweaty grunty muscley loveliness.

8 commenti:

Anonimo ha detto...

Music has so much power over our emotions so that listening to a CD about heartbreak can put us in a similar state. I have really noticed that since the dude went back to school that it makes a huge difference in my life that if I get too into some beautiful sad music and there is no one to come home and tell me to turn it off it can be devestating. I have to remind myself to keep a balance before I too find myself crying into a piece of chocolate cake over someone else's heartbreak. Of course, sometimes it can be nice to indulge...

Melbine ha detto...

That's what I love sad movies and books for - so indulgent to surrender yourself to the melancholy. Although I believe that some of the most melancholy people in the world are the most happy. I can't explain it..

Anonimo ha detto...

I don't know Melbine. For me, melancholy is one step away from being depressed. I have to put a strict limit on melancholy indulgences or I get into that lazy mood where I don't feel like doing anything. Ever.

Melbine ha detto...

Huh. That's really interesting, I wonder why it recharges me? Maybe I get bored with being content 99% of the time? Strangely, it's being content that gets me into a lazy mood!

Mistress La Spliffe ha detto...

There's catharsis and there's wallowing. Biolay is helping me have a nice big wallow. A sexy new Bond should snap me out of it. So will the end of PMS.

Melbine ha detto...

Ah, true! Sexy new Bond..hmm..he certainly is more muscular than Brosnan isn't he! I can't really remember the producers showing Pierce walking around in a speedo.

Anonimo ha detto...

I haven't seen the new James Bond movie, but I'd say that the new James Bond is nowhere near as James Bondey as Pierce Brosnan was.

Mistress La Spliffe ha detto...

I don't know, I like my Bond more brutal than suave. My Remington Steeles, now, I like *them* suave.