mercoledì, giugno 13, 2007

Glowers hath murdered sleep

Wednesday is the peak of work hardness, and I must thank heaven for that small mercy because by my reckoning I got shit-all sleep last night. Anything I write today will be in reference to what took away my sleep, which will be more appropriate to write about either a year from now or never. So I'll direct you instead to an extended review of After Dark and wish you good day, sir, madam.

3 commenti:

Melbine ha detto...

You sure know how to work up my curiosity! Maybe one day you'll tell me what kept you up that one night in June in Brussels? Or maybe I don't want to know..heh heh..?

Melbine ha detto...

Oh - and lovely review too! Are they going to change your info at the bottom?

Mistress La Spliffe ha detto...

I have to do that, but I'm waaaaaay too lazy.

Nah . . . you don't want to know. It's boring.