giovedì, gennaio 03, 2008

The Feverish God Delusion

I'm back and quite comically ill. Home this aft accordingly and going to finish off 'The God Delusion'. Good reading for me currently, as illness and the end of holidays is making me cranky, and it's a cranky book. Not what I was expecting - frankly much less contentious - what a lot of fuss people make over nothing. But gripping enough to read through the grippe.

Of course, nothing can shake me of my personal belief in God, who explained the ontological argument for His existence to me about eight months ago during one of those feverish semi-hallucinatory states I'm so frequently in here, as Belgium makes me sick constantly. Fucking germ hole. At least it's not England, but more on that when I have enough energy to get my bitch on. Anyways, I'm not sure if it was His ontological argument that convinced me, or the sarcastic way He mock-sang 'duh-duh-DUUUUUUH!' when I told Him he was making a good case for His own existence.

2 commenti:

Dale ha detto...

Being comically ill almost sounds good or am I being delusional?

Dread Pirate Jessica ha detto...

It depends on your sense of humour.