sabato, marzo 11, 2006

Catching the plane briefly - Miss C is just out getting my last couple of croissants for this go 'round, after taking me out for my last bloody steak of this go 'round last night. I know, I know, I'm sick . . . I'll mend my wicked ways in Canada where the produce is too half-rate to tempt me off the straight and narrow, thank you.

I miss you at home - it'll be so great to see you again - I'm going to enjoy the BEJEEBUS out of you for the next year because I reckon I'll move back after that. You will not know what the BEJEEBUS hit you, but you'll want a cigarette and some fresh seafood afterwards, I promise you that.

The sun finally came out today. Paris is pretty under the sun. Remind me to tell you the latest retarded thing French people are doing when I'm back at work and actually giving a fuck about current events. You know the last time I read a newspaper? My last day at work . . . ho hum . . . the world seems so much less naughty when I'm on vacation.

Lady, you around tonight? Why don't you scrape together J*Fish and we can refrain from eating naughty things and then smoke some reefer?

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