domenica, dicembre 25, 2005

Shall I say that in the last 24 hours I've eaten more than in the whole preceding week and that I've eaten more meat than in the whole preceding month? Shall I describe the torpid glassiness of my eyes as I contemplate the upcoming trip to church with more lethargy than spirituality? Shall I list the delicacies, each more delicious than the last, that have been presenting themselves before me?

I think the easiest way of communicating the sheer fucking oral debauchery is in haiku form:

the olives are hot
fresh veal soothes my burning mouth
bread is for the birds

Merry Christmas, everyone.

2 commenti:

Anonimo ha detto...

Your cat is fat and happy. Meow meow meow.

Merry Christmas!

Mistress La Spliffe ha detto...

You're an angel, Cali. A Christmas angel. And not one of those nasty ones who show people hideous visions of the future, either. A great one.

Lexie has her own site on Catster now, did I tell you? It's linked under 'Haikus'.

Note: it'll be open season on anyone choosing to make fun of the way I anthropomorphize my cat. OPEN SEASON. You've been warned.