martedì, giugno 06, 2006

Ah you're trembling still

Argh. Last night Miss P of Paris had a melt-down on her history of botany project and now I'm 'helping' her. The ridiculousness of me 'helping' someone with a project in French about botany when my closest relationship with seeds for years has been eating them or picking them out of low-grade reefer is testament to the mental anguish and desperation inherent in bringing a research project to fruition, which I and my erstwhile swollen gall bladder remember all too well. Poor Miss P.

Nonetheless, I'm making an effort, at the same time, to put my doctoral proposal together and grow the set of unbreakable brass balls requisite for asking a series of strangers and institutions for acacademic acceptance, financial support, and a blow job. I thought I'd just throw the third one in as it seems so much more practical than asking for the first two. But you know, my new balls are coming in nicely. I deserve money for spending four years with this idea. The world deserves this idea. And I'm the person to expound this idea. So, there you go.

Back to the fucking botany - what a fucking joke.

12 commenti:

Lady ha detto...

you have no idea how hardcore i'm begging you to do your doctoral thesis with an English-language institution. ;)

Mistress La Spliffe ha detto...

You have NO IDEA how hardcore I'm determined to do exactly that. Holy shit, what was I thinking last time?

It's okay now, it's okay, my gall bladder is back to normal. French fries still make me feel gross though, and I'll never forgive myself for that.

Anonimo ha detto...

How 'bout beef? Can you digest that the same? My poor little digestive system took a beating after that whole childbirth thing..

I'm excited to hear more about your potential doctoral thesis!

Mistress La Spliffe ha detto...

I hardly ever eat beef, to be honest. I wonder . . . maybe I'll have J*Fish bbq me up a nice steak this week and see how it goes does. Mmmm. Steak. Is your digestion back to normal now?

Rodelinda, our mutual friend in Oxford, is going to check my proposal for me . . . if you want I'll send you a copy at the same time? I need lots of feedback from lots of clever people.

Anonimo ha detto...

Say hi to J*Fish for me! I take ranitidine twice a day, it helps with the excessive acid in there. I don't think my digestion will ever be the same. That's what I get for bragging about it pre-Tink.

I would love to see a copy, I'm honoured you consider me clever enough! I miss Rodelinda. :(

Mistress La Spliffe ha detto...

Bah, you know you're more than clever. I miss Rodelinda too, but as she's been helping me she's been full of little bubblings-over of happiness about that James Herriot of hers, so it's good to know she's so happy. . . I wonder when she'll be back for a visit.

cali ha detto...

I think J*Fish is having people over on Wednesday to watch the hockey match - I don't know if that is your cup of tea although it was fun last night watching him fling empty Ginger Ale bottles around the house in anguish. That boy is excitable! =D A little pre-game activity made me too sedate to do anything but eat chips and blink, if you know what I mean. :o/

Mistress La Spliffe ha detto...

That sort of pre-game activity is the only thing I can think of that would let me sit through the game . . . hmm. Could be interesting, though. Are you going?

cali ha detto...

I think so - if Mr. S wants to and he probably does. I can confirm tomorrow morning.

Another plus is that fabulous cat of Dan's named Marvin. He's so beautiful!

Mistress La Spliffe ha detto...

Yeah, let me know. That cat *is* beautiful, and I think he has quite a nice character too. Why he gets so much hate hated on him is beyond me.

Anonimo ha detto...

I say if an idea needs to be expounded in order to be out properly, then it must be pretty good. Go for it!

Mistress La Spliffe ha detto...

Thanks, Jiri! Mmmm expound. Sounds like pound cake.